Thursday, 1 October 2009

The Kinks play the Pig's Nose

The Kinks play the Pig’s Nose in East Prawle on 24th October. You can book via ‘The Meeting Room’ at the pub on Tel: 01548 856393.

This September East Prawle has felt like the end of the earth. At any time, the surrounding sea gives the place a strange light but with the summer holding on and on and the sun drifting lower and lower, there was a magical air about the place when we visited a couple of weeks ago. Ash Park has a lot going for it. ‘A view to die for’ – no question, total seclusion on the narrow road down to the pebbly shore, comfort and class inside and a swimming pool around which to lounge. Elsewhere in the village HH has other comfy cottages all within wandering distance of the excellent pub. The Pig’s Nose is still a stranger to plastic and there’s no cash machine in East Prawle but the shop will do cash back ‘in return for a purchase’ they suggested. Speaks volumes about the place that I found a very fine and rare malt close by on a handy shelf as my bribe -East Prawle is ‘fine and rare’ sort of place. During lunch a stranger approached and asked if we were from Helpful Holidays. The affirmative brought forth a tale of life in London and happy Helpful Holidays arranged West Country jaunts stretching back a decade or more which had lead, eventually, to up sticks and down to East Prawle for the good life. The smile on his face said it all and those on the faces of the family sitting outside ‘the snog’ said the team were all on side. This moment of blazing sunshine will illuminate our memories of the lunch and village for ever.