Friday 20 December 2013

Everyone loves the sea – it is invigorating, refreshing and beautiful, and we want to keep it that way! Helpful Holidays has chosen to help protect the UK coastline by supporting the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) throughout 2014. We recently caught up with our friends at MCS to learn more about their plans for 2014 and any key achievements since we supported them in 2011.

MCS is the UK charity that cares for our seas, shores and wildlife. By raising awareness and funds, MCS is able to help tackle important issues like marine protection, sustainable fisheries and ensuring our beaches and seawater become cleaner.

In the last year, Helpful Holidays’ support has helped The Marine Conservation Society to get 27 Marine Conservation Zones (MCZ) designated - a major milestone in the journey to help our depleted seas recover. If you’ve watched the TV series Fish Fight, you’ll have seen the TV presenter Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall at the MCS march on parliament to help make this happen!

They also managed (finally!) to persuade the UK government to introduce a plastic bag levy in England, (following introductions in Wales, N. Ireland and Scotland), which will be coming in to force in future years.

And they involved well over 10,000 people in beach cleans and surveys around the coast, at two events in Spring and Autumn. It's always great to get more along – if you would like to join in, do get in touch!

Looking ahead, there is still so much more to do, and 2014 is going to be a big year. MCS will be fighting for a full network of MCZs, to add to the 27 this year, and will not stop until this is achieved.

They will be looking to make sure that the seafood we buy in supermarkets, restaurants and shops is carefully chosen for sustainability reasons. This year, they’re trying especially hard to protect deep sea fish stocks and habitats, making sure that our most vulnerable deep water stocks are protected from over-fishing.

MCS will continue to tackle marine litter from source to sea – working with manufacturers, fishing companies and government to reduce the supply of marine litter as well as inspiring thousands of volunteers to help clear unsightly litter from UK’s beaches.

So, while you’re on holiday, please enjoy spending time building sandcastles, exploring rockpools and spotting amazing wildlife. We hope you’ll help support MCS to help them keep things clean and beautiful. Your support makes a real difference, specifically:

  • £5 helps survey turtles in UK waters, most of which are critically endangered due to human activities
  • £10 could mean 10 more people choosing fish from sustainable sources
  • £30 could help clear a local beach of dangerous fishing litter
  • £100 could mean another fisherman using wildlife friendly fishing gear

If you’d like to donate, please include a sum of your choice with your booking or visit where you can donate online.